At Consonance Innovation II,
We are on a mission
Our thesis for Fund 1
Companies that enable trust, collaboration, and innovation are foundational to every economy and help to drive economic growth, improve access to services, and enhance social and economic development, all while achieving high returns on investment.
Collaboration is essential for building and sustaining any valuable enterprise. It involves the people, their business practices, intellectual capital, and relationships. Trust, on the other hand, is the glue that ultimately attracts and sustains human and financial capital. Innovation is the commitment to continuous improvement, optimism, adaptability, and an excellent customer experience. Many of the companies we plan to support are, in essence, "Trust, Collaboration and Innovation Infrastructure." Research has shown that digital trust and collaboration infrastructure can drive economic growth by facilitating transactions between parties who do not have a pre-existing relationship, thus increasing efficiency and productivity. For example, digitization and automation have the potential to increase transparency and accountability in supply chain management, reducing costs and increasing trust between parties.
In addition to driving economic growth, these infrastructure can also improve access to services and enhance social and economic development. For example, digital identity infrastructure can help increase access to healthcare, education, and financial services. The GSM Association reports that more than half of people in Africa lack a recognized form of identification and are therefore excluded from the formal economy.
Furthermore, market-organizing marketplaces can help increase transparency and accountability in sectors such as agriculture, retail, and finance. Examples of companies that embody our theme include Verifyme/QoreID, AFEX, ANKA, TractionApps, EMTECH, OnePort, CuracelAI, Norebase, LAMI, Knabu, SeamlessHR, Releaf, Talent Exchange and Medixus.
Our thesis for Fund II
In Fund II, our primary focus will be to invest in data-driven companies that leverage technology to drive broad-based wealth creation in Africa. We believe that investing in the foundational pillars that will enable a significant portion of the African population to build wealth is the most crucial use of capital on the continent.
The search for low-hanging fruits may ultimately prove to be fool's gold, and instead, the hard work of true nation-building should be the key focus as we aim to increase the purchasing power of a larger portion of the African population, which in turn creates a larger market for goods and services. A study by the International Monetary Fund found that for every 1% increase in the income share of the bottom 40% of the population, GDP growth increased by 0.38%, while a 1% increase in the income share of the top 60% resulted in a 0.08% increase in GDP growth. From a Total Addressable Market (TAM) perspective, companies that focus on broad-based wealth creation offer a large market with room for scalability, growth, and profitability.
We have identified several key areas where technology is driving access to wealth creation and democratization, such as digital payment systems, credit infrastructure, and financial education and literacy. Additionally, we focus on companies that use technology to create new income opportunities or markets, such as those in the creative & gig economy, online marketplaces, and scalar retail. Furthermore, we are interested in companies that use technology to drive cost efficiencies and create value in industries that have been traditionally underserved by technology, such as food and agriculture, logistics, and manufacturing supply chains.
Portfolio Impact
Our team is the foundation of Consonance. We believe in quality and inclusive teams, both internally and externally. Ideally what we look for in people and teams are – Integrity, Intellectual Curiosity, Intellectual Independence, Intellectual Honesty, Grit and Empathy.
Consonance takes a long-term approach to investing, we prefer durability to high but fragile growth. We are aligned with founders or management who seek sustainable value creation.
We apply the ethos of value investing in all our positions, creating value directly through interventions and partnerships deployed to achieve scale, improve competitive position, drive growth and enhance financial performance.
While we believe it is a privilege to deploy capital on behalf of our clients, we strive daily to show appreciation by paying dedicated attention to our clients’ needs.
At Consonance, our focus is on the substance, not just the format. We invest in businesses that align with our core values—led by forward-thinking individuals we admire and trust, and with the potential to grow and create long-term value over time.